Florence Italy Hotels

If you decide to spend your vacation in Florence in this sections of the website you can find a list of B&B, 1 star hotels, 2 stars hotels, 3 stars hotels, 4 stars hotels, luxury hotels, Farm Holidays, Home holidays, Hostels, Residence, and Villas for weddings. You can also visite the pages dedicated to the last minute and for the online hotels booking. In our list you can find a selected structures, the best for sleep in Florence.
Who plan a travel to Italy 'must' visit Florence and they should. Florence is beautiful city in the center of Italy full of art, history and great typical good food.
Florence is the city of Renaissance in Italy. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) statistics estimate that the 60% of the world's most important artwork are locatet in Italy. More, approximately the 50% total of that artworks are located in Florence. Usually the travelers stay in Florence about 3-4 days in order to visit the most important attractions. There are also a many places that are an easy day trip from Florence; by using the city of Florence as your home base you can keep packing your bags and you don't need to moving in a different accommodation.
Using the Italian trains you can aesy go in everywhere with a little planning; you'll can see Florence and others typical city in Tuscany. For example, Lucca or Pisa (two old cities with about one hour by train from Florence) are an easy day trip from Florence Italy.
Florence is also a location for studying art or italian. There are many shools and various programs for studying abroad.