Handicraft in Florence Italy
Artistic ceramics and complements of furnishings to Montelupo Fiorentino. Wedding presents. Panels in Ceramics. Clocks. Plates with traditional honor. Ceramics from Table. Rinascimentali Reproductions. [...]
Restoration of ceramics, lapidei, glass, gildings; from 1991 to the service of the best Italian antiquarians. [...]
Ethnic gallery with objects, jewels, furnitures and stoffe tries to you from the owner in order to make of Masai personally an only ethnic store in its kind. On her return to Florence from a 10 years adventure in Africa, Kenya, Barbara Masi created 'Masai' a small ethnic shop in the heart of the [...]
This handcrafting workshop based in Florence, founded immediately after the last war by silversmith Franco Sacchi, interprets still the tastes and traditions of Florence-made products, thanks also to the keen passion and experience of the founder's son, Luca. The items shown in these pages are made [...]
We Produce: Address books, Jewelry box, Photo album, Journal, journal with lined paper, Little journal, Bookmarks, Photo frame, Postcards, Letter opener, Documents Holder, Pencil, Pens, Pen holder, Notepaper box, Pick up sticks, Tissue box, Playcards, Tarocchi, Gadgets and many other items... [...]
Production of objects of art in silver and gold you execute yourself by hand with enamels to fire, recordings and guilloché: frames, scato them and to tabacchiere, that they reproduce and they interpret one variety of historical styles from the Baroque to the Empire, from the Fabergé to the Art [...]
The famous "terra di Impruneta" is a clay mixture of sand, calcium carbonate and iron oxide which gives the earthenware its characteristic brick color. Each piece is accurately baked at 930°. This procedure guarantees durability and an exceptional resistance to atmospheric elements.Vast assortment [...]
La famiglia Monechi opera nel settore legno da quattro generazioni, conservando metodi di lavorazione tradizionale. La nostra azienda è di tipo artigianale, legata alle tradizioni. Siamo specializzati in ogni tipo di arredamento: cucine, camere da letto, salotti, bagni e altro ancora, in stile [...]
Artistic jewels color with pearls and the perline to you of all the world and all the materials. Elements originate them of fused glass, wood, metal, fiber. Lampworked beads, one-of-a-kind, beaded jewels, beading techniques. [...]
From Tuscany traditional ceramics artistic, objects for gift and ornament them, exclusive decorations. Corner Via dei Calzaioli 30 meters from Piazza della Signoria [...]
Lapidei restoration of the stone and materials several, recovery of orci, vasellame, to giare, terrecotte in kind-wood-iron. It is taken care mainly of the conservation and the safeguard of our historical-artistic and cultural, private or public patrimony of which Italy of it is particularly [...]
The Scopetani florentine art workshop specializes in oil paintings which are all exclusively hand-painted. These works are done on canvas or panels. The Scopetani gallery continues the antique tradition of the great masters of long ago, with great passion and dedication. This is a technique in [...]