Parks and Gardens in Florence Italy
The Iris garden is caught up covering the Viale dei Colli in Florence direction. The entry, placing the shoulders to the David, is on the left of the Michelangelo square, to the beginning of the... [...]
The Cascine were part of the estate and were purchased by Alessandro and Cosimo I Medici to be used as a game reserve and for bovine farming. In 1786 Giuseppe Manetti started to restore the Cascine... [...]
The entrance to the garden Torrigiani (garden of private property) extends to the walls along the Viale Petrarca. The garden was designed by Luigi Cambray - Digny and later continued by Gaetano... [...]
The Garden of the roses has been realized in one portion comprised between the Rampe street and the Delle Croci street, by the Florence Istitution. The Garden is a typical garden of breeding of the... [...]
An undiscovered paradise, just steps from the suffocating traffic. Palazzo Corsini is a project of the nineteenth Buontalenti and became the residence of noble families in Florence. And 'surrounded... [...]
The garden of Boboli is annexed to the complex of Pitti Palace and is one of the greatest parks in Florence (45,000 m2). The garden of Boboli constitutes one of the best existing examples of Italian... [...]