Products for the House Shop

Pianeta Robot srl
Area: Periferia

The shop is taken care of the sale, is directed the public who through own the partner, of the Ambrogio product Robot tagliaerba the automatic rifle. The service that comes given to the customers, beyond to the sale, consists in the free inspection near the own room, attendance post sale and [...]

Signoria di Firenze Outlet
Area: Periferia

To feel in touch with yourself. This is the central idea behind all of the Signoria creations. Household linens accompany us in all of our essential daily gestures: eating, sleeping, conversing, dreaming, making love. And this is why household linens should no longer be seen as a marginal accessory [...]

Inox Point
Area: Centro

Company that operates in the field of the household-electric ones is for kitchen is from proceeds that gives support. Immense household-electric range of from proceeds mostly to brand SAMET company leader who produces "jewels from proceeds" for the kitchen from 1965. Furnaces, plans baking, [...]


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