Museums in florence Italy

Area: Centro storico

A sumptuous library that collects 76 thousand books, including 470 precious manuscripts as the first and very rare edition of Vasari's Lives, dated 1550. These salons have studied the greatest... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The museum of the Cappelle Medicee of Florence occupies a part of the beautifulst complex of the basilica of Saint Lorenzo. In the Church of Saint Lorenzo were buried members of the Medici family at... [...]

Area: Ponte Vecchio

A trip to the diocesan museum of Santo Stefano al Ponte: here are preserved drawings and models of the clothes of dozens of religious orders. A rare collection, including tailored tunics and vibes.... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Academy Gallery is situated where a time rose the convents of Saint Matteo and of Saint Niccolò di Cafaggio between the Announced Saintest public square and Ricasoli street.

The... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Botanical Museum as such has existed since 1842, a fairly late date in comparison with the other Florentine museums. Its formation is essentially the work of the Grand Duke Leopoldo II of... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Gallery of Modern Art of Florence was inaugurated in 1924; The Gallery of Modern Art is situated to the last floor of Pitti Palace and is formed from thirty huge rooms that constitute the very... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Palatina Gallery and Real Apartments are situate inside of Pitti Palace (plan by Filippo Brunelleschi), residence of the Granduchi of Tuscany; first The Medici Family, then the Lorena and... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Costume Gallery, a section of the Museo degli Argenti, has been housed since 1983 in the small neoclassic building of the Meridiana of Pitti Palace with access to Boboli garden. The showcases... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Since 1973 the porcelain museum is located in the highest part of the Boboli Gardens, in the building called casino of the Knight, and it collects valuable pieces dating from the seventeenth century... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museum of Musical Instruments is part of the exhibition itinerary of the Accademia Gallery and houses the instruments of the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory of Music collection in Florence; composed... [...]

Area: Centro storico

This is the most important museum of its kind in Italy and includes more than 270,000 examples of animal and vegetable fossils, fossil imprints and rock specimens. Medici interests again were... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Founded in 1869 by the famous anthropologist Paolo Mantegazza, this was the first of its kind in Italy.
It is in Palazzo Nonfinito which was begun in 1593 to the design of Bernardo Buontalenti... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Fratelli Alinari Museum of History of Photography was inaugurated in 1985 and it's located in the Rucellai palace, in the Santa Maria Novella square.
The first in Italy and one of the... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The museum of the Cenacolo di Andrea del Sarto occupies an ancient convent of the Vallombrosani entitled to San Salvi. The name derives from the Cenacolo, a large one frescoes representing the Ultima... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Pagliazza museum is located in the Pagliazza tower of the same name, located in Piazza Sant'Elisabetta in the center of Florence. The museum houses archaeological finds dating back mainly to... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Natural History Museum of University of Florence is a unique museum, divided into several sections (Section of Anthropology museum, Section of Botany museum, Section of Geology and Paleontology... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Davanzati Palace, built by the Davizzi around the mid-fourteenth century, passed to the Davanzati at the beginning of the sixteenth century, and remained in their hands until 1838 when it was... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museum of Carriages situated in the projecting wing to the right of the Pitti Palace preserves a fine collection of carriages once belonging to the Medici, Lorraine and Savoy Houses.

Area: Centro storico

The Vasari Corridor was built by Giorgio Vasari in only five months in the 1564 for celebrating the wedding between Francesco I de' Medici and Giovanna of Austria; the Corridor link the Pitti Palace,... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museo Archeologico contains one of the most important collections in existence for the study of the art and the civilization of the Etruscans.
Its collections of Egyptian, Greek and Roman... [...]

Area: Centro

Do it with a glass of good wine in your hand: now and here in Florence, WINEX is born, new and unique permanent exhibition of wine production. You will find here more than 500 historical items... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The famous Opificio (workshop), founded in 1588, has provided decorations in semi-precious stone (pietre dure) for many important churches, palaces and museums in Florence and throughout the world --... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Although founded in 1775, the Museum of Zoology, at least in its oldest nucleus, dates back to the Medici period, as almost all the Florentine museums. The Medici had in fact accumulated and... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Monumental apartments occupy the right half of the main floor of the Pitti Palace and are an important record of the three main phases of the palace's history.

To the first period... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Horne Museum takes its name from the English collector Herbert P. Horne (1864-1916) who left his palace and his collections of a lifetime to the Italian State. This palace had belonged to... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, which contains important works from the Cathedral (Duomo) of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Baptistery, and Giotto's Bell-Tower, is crucial for an understanding of... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museum of the Bargello fo Florence conserve extraordinary sculptures and "smaller limbs". The Museum of the Bargello of Florence is situated in an imposing building constructed around to the... [...]

Area: Centro storico

On the first floor of the building of the Crocetta, also home to the Etruscan museum, we find the Egyptian museum consists of nine rooms, the second largest in Italy after the one in Turin; the... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The museum of illusions of Florence is located in the historic center of the city, inside the Tornaquinci Della Stufa building in via Borgo Albizi, near piazza della Repubblica and piazza del... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Housed in the rooms of the Palazzina della Meridiana inside the Boboli Gardens, the Contini Buonaccorsi collection is owned by the Uffizi. The collection includes donations made by the Contini... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Uffizi Gallery of Florence is one of the more famous museums of the world. Thanks to its extraordinary collections of paintings and ancient statues are the main tourist attraction to Florence.... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museo Stibbert is composed by sixty rooms and contain the collection of Federico Stibbert; weapons and ancient armour, jewellery and furnishings.
The museum consists of collections... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museum of the History of Science (Museo di Storia della Scienza) is a fascinating attraction located in the Signoria district of Florence.

The museum is just east of the Uffizi... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Museum of San Marco in Florence occupies the spaces of of the Dominican convent that has been reconstructed by Michelozzo in approximately 10 years from 1436 following a assignment of Cosimo il... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The museum of Silver of Florence is situated to the flat land of Pitti Palace and occupies the rooms splendidly decorated with frescoes of the XVII century of the summery Apartment of the Granduca... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The "Garden of the Semplici" is the third of the gardens of medicinal plants, after the gardens botanists of Pisa and Padova. The garden was constituted the 1 December 1545 by Cosimo dei... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Mineralogy and Litology museum of Florence was founded in 1880, on the occasion of the cataloging and reorganization of the Specola mineralogical collection founded in 1775 by the Grand Duke... [...]

Area: Centro

The Novecento museum in Florence is located in the city center, in Santa Maria Novella Public square in the Spedale delle Leopoldine, and collects galleries dedicated to the works of Italian art... [...]


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