Archaeological Museum Florence

Via della Colonna - 50121 Firenze
Its collections of Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities are also considerable.
Because of serious damage caused by the flood of 1966, the rooms on the ground floor are still under restoration.
The Museum of Archeology (Museo Archeologico) is located next to Santissima Annunziata Church in the San Marco District of Florence Italy. It contains Etruscan, Greek, Egyptian and Roman artifacts.
The Archaeological Museum is situated in the Crocetta Palace and contains one of the most important collections of Etruscan art of the world. The Museum is between main of the world for the art and the Etruscan civilizations and contains also many and beautiful Greek works of art.
The archaeological Museum of Florence was constructed by Giulio Paris for granduchessa Luisa Maria of Austria in 1620 and has the entry in Via della Colonna close to the Santissima Annunziata Public square.
To the first floor we can find the Egizio Museum, that it is the second for importance after that one of Turin. The museum endured damages which had to the alluvium of 1966; it subsequently has been restored and today it is in a position to expose to the public the its treasures.
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