Disco Discoteca Antella Florence

Via Pulicciano, 53 - 50012 Bagno a Ripoli - Firenze
In Tuscany the people that amuse themselves s' raise gybe...
Continue this play on words for a 2006 rich one of events, shows, attractions and of innovation.
3 NEW Exclusive DJ
Playing the best of the sauce and the bachate ones in the large track will be alternated, from Salsomaggiore, El Rumbero (official dj of salsa.it), from Latin Grosseto Matteo alias Teo d' Oro Dj (official dj Movidaloca.it) From January 2006, priveè newyork style with classic sauce proposed from Tony "GIGHEN DJ" and artistic direction of Simone Ferrari.
Continue this play on words for a 2006 rich one of events, shows, attractions and of innovation.
3 NEW Exclusive DJ
Playing the best of the sauce and the bachate ones in the large track will be alternated, from Salsomaggiore, El Rumbero (official dj of salsa.it), from Latin Grosseto Matteo alias Teo d' Oro Dj (official dj Movidaloca.it) From January 2006, priveè newyork style with classic sauce proposed from Tony "GIGHEN DJ" and artistic direction of Simone Ferrari.