Pub Dublin Pub Florence

Santa Maria Novella
Centro Storico
Via Faenza, 27/r - 50123 Firenze
In pub the thoughtful light and sussurano shadow the same desires....
In pub the pain and pleasure they are dipped decided in the same flawour...
In pub the pietosi loves and hatreds corteggiano the same bramosie....
In pub the colors and dreams they are met kind in the art of the destiny...
In pub the destinies and died sure occasions confabulano of life and of consunti...... In the pub the destiny is met, turns aside a pain, appraises a odore, receives a flawour, ignites a love, listens to a tepore, is lived and remembered, it is received and scorda.....
the life is sweet and is lukewarm the sun that timid meets my empty glass.
E.D. Hammond
In pub the pain and pleasure they are dipped decided in the same flawour...
In pub the pietosi loves and hatreds corteggiano the same bramosie....
In pub the colors and dreams they are met kind in the art of the destiny...
In pub the destinies and died sure occasions confabulano of life and of consunti...... In the pub the destiny is met, turns aside a pain, appraises a odore, receives a flawour, ignites a love, listens to a tepore, is lived and remembered, it is received and scorda.....
the life is sweet and is lukewarm the sun that timid meets my empty glass.
E.D. Hammond