Theatre Puccini Florence

Via delle Cascine, 41 - 50144 Firenze
The Teatro Puccini was opened as the Theatre of the OND of State Monopolies in 1940. After the war it was used as a dance hall and rented for boxing matches. After a period of stagnation, which lasted four years, the theater was reopened from 1964 until 1972 doing business mainly on film, except for a few evenings of theater.
Starting with the 1991-92 theater season, will be permanently opened as Theatre. Thus was born the Teatro Puccini - Stable Theatre of Satire and contamination of Genres, founded and designed by Sergio Staino that takes them into the direction until January 1999.
With its 120 days of the year show, organized both in headquarters and in other structures of the city (mainly at the Teatro Verdi, at the Nelson Mandela Forum and the Saschall), the Teatro Puccini represents in regional towns and cities an important point of reference for an increasingly large and diverse pool of public.
Starting with the 1991-92 theater season, will be permanently opened as Theatre. Thus was born the Teatro Puccini - Stable Theatre of Satire and contamination of Genres, founded and designed by Sergio Staino that takes them into the direction until January 1999.
With its 120 days of the year show, organized both in headquarters and in other structures of the city (mainly at the Teatro Verdi, at the Nelson Mandela Forum and the Saschall), the Teatro Puccini represents in regional towns and cities an important point of reference for an increasingly large and diverse pool of public.