Dance school Centro Danza e Movimento Florence

Centro Storico
Borgo degli Albizi, 16 - 50122 Firenze
The Dance Center Studies has been founded and created 30 years ago, by the encounter of characterized fiorentini dancers for initiative of professionals of the Communal Theatre of Florence, between which Lilia Bertelli, Cristina Bozzolini and Chiara Margheri with the scope to diffuse and to develop to the acquaintances and the interests around to the theoretical and practical activities, concerning the dance and the ballet are in the historical perspective of the tradition classic-academic, than in their contemporary dimension. It puts into effect them Center Dance and Movement, cultural association in Florence directed from Lilia Bertelli, carrying ahead this program proposes numerous activities and initiatives in educational, formative and social within. The dinamicità and poliedricità of the didactic aspects deal us to you, propose an articulate speech that places danced it to the inside of a total formative process of the individual through the movement. Process that can reach the "profession of the dance", to the "education to the vision of the movement", until the search in the "social and/or therapeutic participation with the dance".