Dance school Danza Toscana Florence

Via C. Monteverdi, 3/A - 50144 Firenze
Strongly of a experience of 30 years of didactic and formative activities to Florence, the School of the Ballet of Tuscany, founded and directed from Cristina Bozzolini, today managed from the new Association "Danza/Scuola Tuscany", widens the field of the own activities and throws again an articulate and complete program of formative activities, on all the forehead of the disciplines and the languages of the ballet and the dance, structured in 2 Departments, first in the field of the dance the modern classic-academic and, the second in the field of ' modern-jazz dance' and the dance contemporary, strongly rapportati between of they from one univoca didactic and artistic direction. It is determined in such a way with of extraordinary opportunities for the Students, in one offered completes of formative activities for children, adolescents, young people and adults, in a correlation opened between the 2 Departments, both you follow yourself from ' equipe' of Teacher of high preparation and professional specialization, to leave from the propedeutica until the most rigorous professional formation in the dance modern classic-academic and, thus as in the dance ' modern-jazz' and contemporary.