Churches in florence Italy with descriptions, photos and timetable

Area: Centro storico

The church was already existing in 1116. It presents a romanesque facade where the inferior part is the most ancient with simple doors and round arches. The portal, with a two tone marble... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The unique façade of this church is the backdrop to the lively, picturesque piazza of the same name. The harmonious, linear interior was designed by Brunelleschi who reached the apex of his career... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The church of San Miniato in Florence was started in the xi century and is, after the battistery, the best example of the Roman Florentine style.
The church was already present at the time of... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The early Dominican basilica was rebuilt in the Gothic-Romanesque style at the end of the thirteenth century. The beautiful green and white marble façade was completed by Alberti around 1470. Inside... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Begun in 1075, the church of the SS. Apostoli was a prototype for many other Florentine churches with its archaic Roman forms. Even though it is of modest size, the building has considerable... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The 14th-century building was almost completely destroyed in a fire in 1771. The present structure is therefore 18th century and was built by G. Ruggeri and G. Mannaioni on a Latin cross plan with a... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The church of Badia is the oldest monastery in Florence and it was the first to be built inside of the old city walls. Its foundation dates back from the year 978. It was completely reconstructed in... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The small church of Santa Margherita dei Cerchi in Florence is situated near the house of Dante Alighieri and now it's used as a museum dedicated to the famous poet.
The name of the church... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Cenacolo of Sant'Apollonia is only a part of what was once the great convent of Sant'Apollonia. It was one of the largest female convents in Florence, located between Via San Gallo, Via XXVII... [...]

Area: Centro storico

This church of Orsanmichele was originally the grain market. The tabernacles decorating the four sides of the exterior had been under the patronage of the Medieval guilds and contain famous statues... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The church of Santa Maria dei Ricci was founded in 1508 with a facade arcade due to the reorganization of 1610 implemented by Gherardo Silvani, under the patronage of Ricci, to fix the offense by... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The building of the church started in 1924 according to Arnolfo di Cambio's project but in reality was consacrated in 1443 in the presence of Eugenio IV. The Church was gradually enriched by... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The oldest church in Florence is the San Lorenzo church. It was consacrated in 393 a.c. by S. Ambrogio and dedicated to Lorenzo martyr; little is left of the church today. The church was rebuilt... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The Russian Orthodox Church in Florence was built by the Russian community which passed long periods in Florence and it represents a significant chapter in the story of Florence. It was built by the... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The church rises where once there was the oratorio dei Servi di Maria. The church was rebuilt between 1440 and 1481 thanks to Michelozzo who built the first cloister and to Dell'Alberti who made many... [...]

Area: Centro storico

This early Vallombrosian church was founded in the eleventh century and was almost totally remodeled in the sixteenth century. In the right transept we can admire the beautiful Sassetti Chapel (1480)... [...]

Area: Centro storico

The church of Santa Maria del Fiore (better know as the Cathedral) was the result of an architectonic project studied by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1296. The Dome was a work of... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Erected on an old cemetery, was renewed in the XI and XIV and completed remodelled in 1736 by F.Ruggeri, who kept the portico by Vasari with the upper corridor that joins Uffizi Gallery to Pitti... [...]

Area: Centro storico

Behind the famous Piazzale Michelangelo there is the church called la 'bella villanella' by the Master.
It was begun in 1499 following a design by Cronaca and finished at the beginning of the... [...]

Area: Centro storico

What remains of the church of San Pier Scheraggio, near Palazzo Vecchio, jealously guards real masterpieces inside. The wonderful Madonna della Ninna Nanna di Cimabue is famous. Today only the... [...]


Amazing church in Florence

Hi there, I have been to Florence and I want to come back. I saw this amazing either church or building that had gigantic white marble columns ( I think they were round) and had approximately 15 metre High (at least double the size of the statue of David in Accademia) sculptures on the front of each column. The two sets of columns where all the way down the length of the room, one set of columns to the left and one set of columns to the right. All the columns and sculptures adorning the columns were white. They were massive I think the biggest sculptures I have ever seen. I don't think it was one of the most popular sights but I am dying to go back their. Please, Please help I have spent two days trying to go through the internals of all churches and Duomo to find it again. You can skype me on vanessa williams w72 I would love to explain it to you as well in case this would help. I am desperate. I can also organise to send you a sketch of it in case you are not sure what building I am talking about.


Churches historic center

I would like a list of the churches in the historic section of Florence that ring chimes. I've just returned from a visit there and did not obtain that information while traveling. Thank you.


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