Santa Croce church Florence

The building of the church started in 1924 according to Arnolfo di Cambio's project but in reality was consacrated in 1443 in the presence of Eugenio IV. The Church was gradually enriched by donations from the rich, florentine families who were allowed. To be buried in the chaples inside the church. In the interior many famous artists and others of every branch ok knowledge are buried. To mention a few, Machiavelli, Alfieri (Tomba di Canova, 1810), Michelangelo (tomba del Vasari, 1570), the sepocro di Galilei (tomba di Vincenzo Viviani, 1737).

The facade is o coloured marble from Carrara and designed by Cronaca (1857 - 63), while the church steeple was built by Baccani (1965). The interior if formed of three naves, the walls and the windows are full of frescoes figuring "The stories of San Francesco" works of art of Giotto his disciples Donatello wanted to leave a testimony of his art and sculptured a beautiful crucifix (1425) and the annunziation (1430 - 1435). Next to the secristy we find the noviziato chapel built by Michelozzo (1434 - 1445) and decorated by Andrea della Robbia; in the Chiostro dei Morti (cloister of the daed) we fuind the Cappella dei Pazzi projected by Brunelleschi. He also projected the Chiostro Grande which was later built by Bernardo Rossellino. We can also see funeral monuments of Bernardo Rossellino (dedicated to Leonardo Bruni, cancelliere della Repubblica) and of Desiderio da Settignano. The church and his tombs were glorified by Ugo Foscolo in his work "The Sepulchres" (I Sepolcri).

The Franciscan Basilica of Santa Croce was begun,it is believed by Arnolfo at the end of the XIII century,but consecreted only in 1443.It is one of the most beautiful gothic churches in Italy eventhough the facade,in Carrara marble with strains of green marble is by Nicolò Matas (1853-1863) who,it is beleieved,wan inspired by a design by Cronaca.
The gothic interior is in the form of a T with a nave and two aisles divided by octagonal pillars sustaining huge ogival archvaults. The church contains a big number of works of art.The Renaissance octagonal marble Pulpit by Benedetto da Maiano;the Tomb of Leonardo Bruni by Rossellino which represents the prototype of florentine tombs of XV century;two works by Donatello: the Annunciation and the wooden Crucifix. In the Peruzzi Chapels there are frescoes by Giotto that underwent an unfortunate restoration in 1852.Also the Bardi Chapel was frescoed by Giotto with Stories of St.Francis.

The Museum of the Opera di S.Croce has some of the most important florentine masterpieces with works by:Cimabue,Orcagna,Donatello,Domenico Veneziano... Unfortunately many works such as the Crucifix by Cimabue were damaged in the flood of November 1966.
On the far end of the Cloister a magnificent portal of the XV century by Giuliano da Maiano with a front portico that leads to the Pazzi Chapel,last creation of Brunelleschi,who began it in 1443 for Andrea de' Pazzi but died before finishing the facade which,after his death,was continued by his collaborators who left the pronaos incomplete.On the portico,the cupola in the form of an umbrella with ceramic medallions decorated by Luca della Robbia.

Visit timetable:
All weeks day 10 AM - 12,30 AM And 3 PM - 5 PM
Entry 8 €

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