Porcellino Fountain Florence

Piazza di Mercato Nuovo, 6 - 50123 Firenze
The fountain was originally located in front of the pharmacy (called the Pharmacy Boar) opened in the early years of the eighteenth century and a meeting place of intellectuals who used to discuss and debate in this place.
The fountain of the piglet (fontana del Porcellino) today is become famous and has become a necessary step of the tourists who visit Florence.
Legend has it that if we place a coin on the face of the pig and let it slide down her face causing her to fall below the grates, the future will luck; otherwise the misfortune assail us. Precisely for this reason, at every hour of the day there are many tourists in queue waiting to tempt the fate.
The fountain is located right in the city center and is situated between Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio and Piazza della Repubblica; located in the Piazza del Mercato Nuovo, where every day there is the traditional market where you can find various objects such as bags, belts and souvenirs.
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Area: Centro storico
Area: Periferia
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Area: Centro storico
Area: Centro storico
Area: Centro storico
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Area: Centro storico