Strozzi Palace Florence

Piazza degli Strozzi - 50123 Firenze
Its construction was intentional of the merchant Filippo Strozzi that it bought and made to pull down good part of the surrounding buildings giving the assignment of the construction to Benedetto da Maiano, which was limited to leave a model to its committente.
The construction began in 1489 under the direction of Simone del Pollaiolo but Filippo Strozzi died before the completion, and was its sons to inhabit it for first time in the first years of XVI the century.
Today Strozzi Palace accommodates the Viesseux Cabinet, with one great library, the National Institute of Studies of the Rinascimento, the offices of Florence Extensions. The first floor rooms, fruit of a restructure of the XIX century, are used for important extensions in Florence.
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Area: Centro storico
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Area: Centro storico
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Area: Centro storico
Area: Centro storico