Santa Croce Square Florence

The Public square of Santa Croceis one of the public squares more evocative in Florence. With a rectangular shape it is a great testimony of the Middle Ages in Italy, characterized by the important presence buildings like the Palace dell'Antella, the Cocchi-Serristori Palace (end of the XV century) and the beautifulst Santa Croce Church (erected between 1294 and 1443) that dominates all the public square. In Saint public square Croce there are still visible originates lateral buildings that encircle the public square.

Here they were organized festivities, tornei, games that attracting the people they have rendered Public square of Santa Croce one of the main points of reference of Florence.

In Saint Public square Croce is celebrated the Calcio in Costumen (Soccer in custom), folkloristic event born at the beginning of the 1400's, suspended in the 1739 and then resumption in 1930 is celebrated still today.

Close from the Santa Croce public square we find also disc pub that they animate the nightlife with coming from young people from all the world.

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