Settignano, description and informations

Climb in top to a hill, with an amazing sight on the city, Settignano is one pleasant locality to east of Fiesole. The small village, following the legend, must its foundation to roman emperor Severo Settimio and the outskirtses of the country are rich of castles and medioeval villas used as place of meditation by the getlteman of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Earth that has given natality to many artists like: Desiderio called for this 'from Settignano', the family of the sculptors and architects Rossellino, Bartolomeo Ammannati, without count the numerous that have rewarded the tranquillity of Settignano as residential home.

First of all Gabriele D'Annunzio, who passed long time in the villa la Capponcina, of forehead to the Porziuncola villa of property of Eleonora Duse. But between all splendid construction elevates majestic the beautiful Gamberana Villa, construction of the XVI century, rich of gardens, with statues, Fontanas, water games, a time belonged to Rossellino.

Between the main places worthy of visit we remember: villa Gamberaia, Church of S. Maria a Settignano, square of Desiderio da Settignano or Piazza Nuova, Oratory of the Vannella, square of Niccolò Tommaseo, Villa di Michelangelo, Villa I Tatti and Villa la Capponcina.


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