Bruni Leonardo

Bruni Leonardo
Leonardo Bruni ( Arezzo 1370- Florence 1444 ) a humanist and disciple of Salutati succeeded his master in the office of Cancelliere della Republic of Florence.
His ideals, always founded in culture, appear in the work " Historiae Florentini Populi ", the first real story of Florence from the origin to the actual largest city in Tuscany.

An important work of Leonardo Bruni was the " Commentarius Rerum Suo Tempore Gestarum " which relates the Italian events from 1378 to 1440, remaking them in base of the Florentine Chancellor's office.He transalated works of Platone and Aristotele and with two exemplary biographies described the personalities of Dante and Petrarca. Finally in his work "Laudato Florentine Urbis " he praises the myth of Florence proposing a model which forseed an ideal city-state.

In the photo you can see the tomb of Leonardo Bruni, a work of Rossellini in the church of S. Croce.


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