Accademia Gallery Florence

Via Ricasoli, 60-red - 50122 Firenze
The Academy Gallery is famous in the world thanks to the presence of sculptures of Michelangelo: the Prisons, the Saint Matteo and in particular the famous David di Michelangelo.
In the Academy Gallery there are important collections of works of art from the Academy of the Design, from the Academy of Fine Arts and convents. The works are constituted by paintings executed by the greater operating masters in Florence between the second half of XIII the Century and the end of XVI the Century.
Between the most famous artists that with their works enrich the Academy Gallery we cite Lorenzo Bartolini and Luigi Pampaloni.
The Academy Gallery recently has become rich thanks to the Museum of the musical instruments with important instruments coming from the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory and the Medicee and Lorenesi collections.
Where we are
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Area: Centro storico
Area: Centro storico
Area: Semi-Centro
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Area: Centro storico