Cenacolo di Andrea del Sarto Museum Florence

The museum of the Cenacolo di Andrea del Sarto occupies an ancient convent of the Vallombrosani entitled to San Salvi. The name derives from the Cenacolo, a large one frescoes representing the Ultima Cena, situated in the refectory, operates of Andrea del Sarto and considered one of the most important painting of the Rinascimento.

In the large rooms of the convent are exposed important paintings of the first half of XVI the century, that testify the development of the painting in Florence of that period. Between the works more important we can cite Pontormo, Andrea del Sarto, Giuliano Bugiardini, Raffaellino del Garbo, Franciabigio, Bachiacca.

In the Refectory Room, we find the large paint of Andrea del Sarto representing the Ultima Cena (1520), considered the most important work of the painter. The Cenacolo contains also many tables and shovels of school fiorentina, the greater part of them coming from Florentine churches and convents.

Between the present works we can find the Saint Zanobi and the Translation of the body of saint Zanobi by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, the Madonna col Bambino by Giuliano Bugiardini, the Adorazione dei Pastori, the Sacra Conversazione by Franciabigio, the Madonna col Bambino and SanGiovannino by Pontormo.

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