Bargello Museum Florence

Via del Proconsolo, 9-red - 50122 Firenze
In the 1502 the palace became center of the Council of Justice and the police, whose head was said, exactly, "the Bargello".
In 1786, Peter Leopoldo abolished the capital punishment and the present instruments of torture in the palace were burn. The prisons remained in use until the half of XIX the century, when it were transferred in the former convent of the Bulwarks (Murate); the complete restoration of the building began therefore, to work of Francisco Mazzei.
From the 1865 many have been capacities in the palace (become National Museum) important sculptures of the Rinascimento, between which capolavori of Donatello, of Luca of the Robbia, of Michelangelo, of the Verrocchio, of the Cellini.
The museum of the Bargello of Florence introduces also collections of bronzetti, waxes, enamels, medals, ambers, seals and tapestries, coming from from the medicee collections and donations of private.
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